Woodfield School caters for pupils who have been diagnosed with a range of complex difficulties which may have affected their ability to be successful in their previous settings. Their needs have sometimes resulted in negative behaviours which have become a barrier to their learning. We offer a safe and nurturing learning environment that provides social and emotional support alongside a targeted curriculum. With this in mind, we promote the ASK principles; ambition, support and kindness and these are embedded into our everyday practices.
The Woodfield journey always begins by assessing gaps in learning so that we have a clear starting point for all pupils. Literacy, Numeracy and Personal and Social Development form the foundations of our curriculum as these are the essential key skills on which to further add value, knowledge, and skills.
Focus in all key stages is given to ensuring strong foundations in key skills, particularly reading, spellings, punctuation and grammar and numeracy. Core subjects (English, Maths, Science) tend to be taught in the mornings when our pupils are fully focused, and the afternoons are more creative; making full use of available local amenities, and affording all pupils a broad and rich holistic offer, with Creative Arts, Humanities, Languages, PSHE/SMSC and careers, and PE at the local gym, in the local area, leisure centre or swimming pool.
We recognise that our pupils are individuals and that a one size fits all approach will not work.
In Upper School, the qualifications we offer are inclusive and accessible (Functional Skills English and Maths, Edexcel Science and NOCN units such as Step into employment, skills and personal development (SETPD) and Digital Skills, and can be taught alongside GCSE or as a foundation for further study. Lessons are differentiated, engaging and fun whilst incorporating dedicated resources or support and catering for a range of learning styles.
Pupils will have individual, personalised timetables, bringing them together as small groups of no more than 6 pupils in core subjects. The groups are, as far as possible, based on key stage and ability.
At Post 16, the curriculum offer is based on the needs and interests of the pupil, focusing on the core subjects, as well as incorporating life skills with vocational training. We also work with Leicestershire Education and Business Company to secure work experience placements.
Typically, pupils would experience the following daily routine:
Arrive at 8.45am for tutor time meet and greet and plans for the day
2 lessons before break
Break time with snacks
2 further lessons
Lunch in the kitchen between 12 – 1pm (split between Upper and Lower school) with a range of hot and cold meals prepared on site, followed by access to our outdoor area
2 further lessons, and including PSHE, Creative Arts, Mindfulness, trips to the gym and vocational qualification learning